Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome back

Hey, everybody.  Hope you had a good weekend and a good holiday.  I certainly did.

We had a good gaming session last night, too.  We're playing Pathfinder with me as DM and now five players (we might be getting a sixth in January).  I got an odd comment last night from Dan, our bard.  Since I, as a player, hate being railroaded, I try, as a DM, to make more things available to the players than just one thing I want them to do.  Since this is the case, I had four different adventures planned and made sure to tell the players this ahead of time, so they knew they didn't have to accept the first adventure I threw at them.  (They did anyway).  But when I announced this, Dan said that it was strange because he had never gamed in a group where the DM put much thought into the adventures, so he had never had more than one option.  Personally, I can't stand it when a DM only gives you one option or is so intent on having you do this one thing that if you try to do something different or try an option that he/she didn't think of, they fly off the handle because you're "ruining" it.

The way that I DM is that I have a beginning and and ending and usually 1 or 2 (maybe 3) encounters/activities that I want the players to handle during the course of the adventure.  I don't plan anything out in much detail.  That gives the players flexibility during the course of play to explore and do their thing without "ruining" the adventure.  For example, the adventure we're running now, half of the group has been hired to find some artifacts for one guy and the other half has been hired to find the same artifacts by that guy's rival.  So far, they've discussed three options:  1 and 2 are to find the artifacts and give them to their respects "employers" or 3) Get the artifacts and get both guys together and basically see who will give them the better deal.  That's not written into the adventure at all, but it's an option.  They have two out of the four artifacts, so I guess we'll see what happens next time.

On the music front, I'll be DJ'ing for PartyFm (an internet radio station) on Fridays from 1pm to 4 pm Eastern time and Saturday night/Sunday mornings at midnight Eastern, so come listen to my shows!  I play good stuff!  Really!  My Friday show IS safe for work, so if you want to listen at work (and are able to...some of my friends tell me that their work blocks the connection), you're welcome to.

I was talking to Masta Artisan on Facebook chat today and we were talking about the beats he used for his album.  He was telling me that he made all of the beats on his album except for one, which honestly, I think is pretty impressive.  Not only is he an intelligent artist, but he crafts good music around that intellect.  He suggested a track to me that I'll be playing on Friday, so come on in and check it out.  You can listen to the station on  You don't have to log in and it's totally free.  Just click the "Tune In" button and then there's a link at the top that says "Launch one of your players" and then pick the icon for the program you use to listen, either Windows Media Player, Winamp, iTunes, or RealPlayer.  That connects you to the stream and you get to hear the awesome!  You can also email me to make requests or tell me what you think of the show.

Okay, that's all I've got for now.  Thanks for reading and have a good week.  If you're planning on drinking on New Year's Eve, be safe.

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