Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Interesting NPC: Drake Holyveil

Drake Holyveil

Drake Holyveil
LE Half-orc commoner 3
Init +0, senses darkvision60 ft., Perception +5

AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 9
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3

Spd 30 ft.
Melee +2 heavy mace (1d8+1/x2)

Str 12, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB +2, CMD 12
Feats Deceitful, Skill Focus (perform)
Skills Bluff +8, Diplomacy +6, Handle Anima +5l, Perform +9, Perception +5, Profession (musician) +5

Languages Common, Orc, Abyssal, Gnoll
Equipment heavy mace, masterwork flute, traveler's outfit
Special Qualities Darkvision 60ft., Intimidating, Orc Blood, Orc Ferocity

Prince's Province in the Dying Kingdom

The Dying Kingdom was named such almost three hundred years ago when the matriarchs of the ruling families of the kingdom banded together to show their husbands that the men were ruining everything with constant war and destruction.  From that point on, the kingdom formerly known as Kingdom of the Five Glaciers, was ruled by women and would be for all time.  The first Queen of the Dying Kingdom, Eden Rose, made two decisions on her first day.  The first was that she and every queen after her would have the title Everqueen.  The second was that the largest religion in the Dying Kingdom, the worship of Shelyn, the Neutral Good goddess of Beauty, Art, Love, and Music, would have a female only clergy from that point on.  The current queen, Spirit Everqueen, has been more lenient toward the rules and more liberal in her dealings with the men of the upper classes of the Dying Kingdom.

Drake Holyveil has used his personality and musical ability to work his way into the usual musicians in the Dying Kingdom.  He has been using his abilities to pass himself as a believer and holy man of Shelyn from outside the Dying Kingdom and has been making a fuss about the rules on the clergy of the church of Shelyn.  Spirit Everqueen has not been receptive to his repeated requests for an audience to discuss this matter.  So, Drake has ventured to the Prince's Province to state his case to Prince Blizzard Maverick.

Prince Maverick was born to Spirit Everqueen twenty-three years ago and, as a male, is part of the Royal Family, but is not in the line of secession.  As Spirit Everqueen's only prodigy so far, he holds a special place in her heart.  Drake is hoping to use the Prince as a springboard to meeting with his mother so that he can prove to her that he is indeed touched by Shelyn and hoping to merely have the lowest place in her clergy.  His true cause is much more devious.

He has already seen High Priestess Melody Bloodice and he desires her.  His plan is to use Spirit Everqueen's liberal views to get himself into the clergy of Shelyn and then work his way, eventually, to the top and to bring the High Priestess under his charms.  Once he has her and has wedded her, he will use his position to slowly twist the teachings of Shelyn through visions and prophecy until the people who worship Shelyn actualy worship him.

Any thoughts, comments, concerns, or snide remarks can be directed to:

Thanks for reading and listening and I will see you all again next week.  Until then, be awesome to each other and good gaming.


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