Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Emotional Rollercoaster

Hey, Readerland.  How we doin, my friends?  Well, I hope.  First off, let me say that I think I've gotten the comments problem worked out, so you SHOULD be able to leave me a comment now, should you desire to do so.

Secondly, my thoughts go out to Gregory Helms and his girlfriend Karen, who were in a serious motorcycle accident recently.  Helms has a broken leg, broken ankle, and a dislocated jaw, and maybe a could of other injuries, while his girlfriend suffered a broken neck.  She's apparently in really bad shape.  And to all the "wrestling fans" out there who are saying that Helms "deserved what he got" because he talked bad about Shawn Michaels, you people make me sick.  Wishing someone serious career and even life-threatening injuries, simply because he talked bad about your hero?  Because his opinion of someone that he actually knows is different than yours?  You people are disgusting, horrible people.

So, here's a question.  How is it that the death of someone I don't even know can affect me so much?  I'm referring to Alex Whybrow, also known as "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney.  Sweeney was one of the more entertaining wrestler/managers I have ever seen.  He was charasmatic and humorous and I enjoyed his work.  Unfortunately, he took his own life on April 11th, 2011.

Here's the thing:  when I heard about it, it made me a little sad that 1) he felt the need to take his own life and 2) that I would never get to see him perform again.  I felt a little sad but honestly, I had never met the man and I had never seen him perform live, so it was more as a wrestling fan that I was sad that a talented performer was gone.

So, I bought and have been watching Chikara's King of Trios 2011.  It started off with a pair of Sweeney's sunglasses in the middle of the ring and the show's entire roster, including talent from England, Australia, and Japan, chanting his name along with the crowd.  It was a touching tribute and you could obviously tell that some of the talent were more touched than others, but everyone was emotional.  For my own personal taste, I thought it went on a little long, but that's completely understandable.  Honestly, though, I didn't really feel much of anything other than I was happy that all of these people were honoring Sweeney.

I'm watching the show and the match that I was watching was The Maximos and Amazing Red vs. Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, and Manami Toyota.  It was a great match and it ended when Quack hit a little strut (which looked kinda like he was going into seizure), hit Sweeney's '68 Comeback Special (a neckbreaker/DDT combo) and Jigsaw hit the 12 Large Elbow drop and suddenly, I was kind of emotional about the whole thing.  I honestly felt tears coming to my eyes.

I don't really understand that.  Like I said, I've never met Sweeney and never saw him live, only on YouTube or in show downloads, so why was I so emotional about this, especially after the whole thing at the beginning of the show.  Maybe it IS just that I'm never see Sweeney perform again and this tribute to him made me fully realize it.  Maybe it's something else entirely that I can't understand.

Whenever I hear Andrea True Connection's "More More More" these days, it makes me smile because I think of Sweeney and I hope that he's a peace now.

That's all I've got for now.  Until next time, be awesome to each other.  WWWYKI.  Ain't no doubt about it, baby.

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