Friday, December 2, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 2

Hey, Readerland.  Back and determined to make it through this thing, even though it's only Day 2.

So, in case you've forgotten, here's the assignment for Day 2:

15. Describe the freedom of being pantsless. Preferably written sans pants. For authenticity's sake  C'mon.

Honestly, I'm not really sure what the point of this is or how this is even going to work, but I'm going to give it my best shot.  Here goes:

     So, okay.  Pants are off.  Sitting here in boxers, two pairs of socks, an A-shirt, a thermal Henley (I guess that's what they're called), and a warm hat.  Honestly, it's really cold.  My weather widget says that it's 30 degrees outside and even though I'm in the warmest room in the apartment, I'm still cold.
     I guess I can agree that not wearing pants can be kind of freeing, I suppose.  Not weighing as much is good.  And honestly, having exposed skin in kind of nice after being cold all day.  Let's the skin breath, I guess.  I'm not going to keep this up past the 15 minutes, though.  But if I wanted to, I could run around the apartment and be as free as I liked, without weird looks from people.  Well, other than people that live here.
     Being pantsless could be a problem if I wanted to go outside, though.  30 degrees (at best) wearing no pants?  Yeah, that's not going to happen.
      Being sans pants does bring up the question as to why we, as a society, think we need to cover up certain body parts.  Granted, it's freezing here, so I'll be covering up to stay warm, but for other people (and their body parts), why do we need to cover up?
     One theory is that we retained shame from Adam and Eve when they discovered they were naked in the Garden of Eden.  Others think they should cover up because 'Good lord, who would want to see me naked/half-naked/one-quarter naked, but with tight pants.'  I think a lot has to do with body images that society has thrown down on us and what society considers 'attractive.'  (Hint:  I don't follow society's ideals, usually)
     Wow.  I just started going off on a serious tangent, which I wasn't expecting to do.  I figured I would have fun with this, even if I didn't understand it.
     I suppose if I wanted real freedom, I could go completely au natural, but nobody wants that image in their head, so I'll leave it alone.
     One benefit of pantlessness for people who are dating, assuming they judge others on...ahem...certain body parts is that you'd be able to 'window shop' before taking home a potential mate.  But if we were going to do that, we'd just make 'Naked Bars' or something and you'd get to see the whole package (he he...I said 'package') so you could see what best for you.
     Holidays would be awkward, though.
     The downside to being without pantalones would be that you wouldn't have anywhere to hold your stuff, like keys, wallet or cell phone.  I guess we could all start carrying purses, backpacks/messenger bags or *gaps* fanny packs.  Fanny packs on your actual fanny.  Hm.  That holds no appeal whatsoever.   But putting it 'round front' would be cheating, as no one could check out the 'merchandise,' if you weel.  (Yes, I'm a big fan of 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes.)
     I would suggest some sort of over the shoulder back, at least for men.  Personally, I like messenger bags and I have been known to carry a pair of cold-weather pants in mine, if I have to change after being outside or going outside after being inside.  I carry a lot of stuff in mine, though.
    If you'll excuse me, my time's up and I'm going to put my pants back on.

Okay, there you have it.  15 minutes on pantlessness while wearing no pants.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm also not sure that was it.

So, Day 2 of the Ogre/Chuck Challenge all done, but what awaits for Day 3?  I'm glad you asked!  FOr Day 3, the exercise is:
19:  Invent a memory from your childhood, then write it.

Interesting challenge.  I hope you're up for it!

That's it for Day 2.  Hopefully we'll get some more responses going soon.  Thanks for reading, everybody.  Until next time, be awesome to each other.  Woo woo woo!  You know it.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I'm tired of fighting with my blog, decided to post everything on FB in the notes section. I'll make sure I tag you there. Stupid website, frustrating me with its lack of cooperation!
