Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 28

Hey, Readerland!  The Ogre is back and ready for Day 28.

Two sections left to rewrite and then I'm ready to submit my story.  I'm getting excited.

Anyway, let's get on with the shananiganery.  Today's exercise is:

20. Pick five random words from a random word generator (like, say, this one) and incorporate
all of them into your writing exercise.

The twist is that I'm going to have it pick a larger amount of words (to be determined tomorrow) and use those to write the story.

Okay, so I had my lovely assistant pick a number of seven, so I generated seven words for today's story.  My seven words are:

steering wheel

     "There's a chip in my windshield," Scott said.  He pointed at a small crack.  "That is all your fault."
     "Wait," Mike said.  "You hit me from the front, send me into the median and the chip in your windshield is my fault?  How to you figure that?  And what about the passenger side of my car?  You hit it when you pulled out!"
     "If you had signaled that you were changing lanes, we wouldn't have hit each other and I wouldn't have a crack in my windshield," Scott said.
     "Hold on a second," Mike said.  "You pulled out onto the road without looking to see if anyone was there.  Me signalling wouldn't have changed anything."
     "And I think the steering wheel hit me in the chest," Scott said.  "I bet I'll have bruises and contusions and maybe a cracked rib or two.  I'll have to go to the hospital."
      "Oh, wait," Mike said condescendingly.  "Let's wait around and see if any camera crews show up so you can be on TV.  Would that make things better?  Or maybe you should call your lawyer so you can try to sue me and make out like a bandit.  Lord knows you'd probably like to kiss Burt Reynolds."  He shook his head.
     Scott could feel his skin getting hot, but he refused to rise to the bait.  "I just hope that neither of us is seriously hurt.  I don't want this to turn into some long, drawn out legal battle, simply to decide who was in the wrong here."
     "In the wrong? That would be you, jackass." Mike said.  "You pulled out in front of me.  You weren't looking at the road, you were looking at your phone.  You are at fault, so just admit it."
     "Excuse me, gentlemen," a police officer said.  "Everybody okay?"
     Scott grabbed his neck.  "Officer, it was horrible!  He pulled out in front of me and I got whiplash!  And maybe a stinger!  Oh, my neck hurts so much."
     "Really?" the cop asked.  "It didn't seem so bad when I pulled up five minutes ago and you were leaning over your car and pointing.  Save it, sir."

Okay, not bad.  Better than last night, anyway.  So, tomorrow, I'm going to go back to the random image generator and pick out three pictures and then link them together.  Should be fun.

That's going to do it for today and I will see you all tomorrow.  Until then, take care and be awesome to each other.


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