Hey, Readerland. Back once again. Are you ready for December? I know I am. Well, other than the fact that it's supposed to be a high of 23 and snowing tomorrow. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to talk about...fanfare please...The Ogre/Chuck Challenge!
Okay, okay. I haven't gotten any sort of official endorsement from Chuck Wendig, but I'm sure, if he knew about it, he would demand a cut of the profits. But the joke's on him, because there are none! HA! Take that, Mr. Penmonkey!
Anyway, let's get down to business. What is the Ogre/Chuck Challenge, you ask? Well, as I stated in my last blog post (December Plans), I will post a new writing challenge every day in December and my goal is to post new content every day right here on this blog. Your goal, if you choose to accept it, is to do the same and post your content or a link to your blog/webpage/content/brain squeezings here as a comment and together, we make it through December as writers.
"But wait!" you're probably yelling. "Why would I put myself through that?" WRONG QUESTION!
The question you SHOULD be asking is "What are the RULES for this awesomeicity?!?!?!"
Thanks for asking. Here's Chuck Wendig with the rules: "take fifteen minutes out of your day. That's all. A brief stint, a hard sprint. Pick an exercise from the following and do it up. The rules are like a bendy-straw, of course: you can write for five minutes or five hours, I'm not in your house with a gun to your head. But fifteen minutes makes sure that your writing session is short, but potent -- and it
assures that it doesn't consume all the hours of your writing time."
What I am going to do is I have taken slips of paper numbered 1 to 25 (because there are 25 writing exercises in '500 Ways to Be a Better Writer.' Seriously. Buy it already.) and with the help of my lovely assistance, one of those slips will be drawn and I will post that particular writing exercise for the next day. For example, I already have tomorrow's picked out. I'll get to that shortly.
You take 15 minutes tomorrow and write on the topic that I give you and then post. That easy, right? Well, mostly. A couple of the exercises are things like "Find a random image on Flickr and write about it" or "Get five random words from a word generator and write about that." After talking it over with my lovely assistant, if/when those come up, you will be responsible for finding your own picture or random words. I'll give the links I have to those generators, but feel free to find your own way of getting those things. Kinda like it's a creative process, huh?
So, this whole shindig starts tomorrow. I'm psyched and I hope you are too. Tomorrow's exercise is:
#16: Find a random picture on Flickr. Then write about it. The Flickr random image generator is here: Flickr Random Image Generator If you want, you can put a link in your response so we can see the picture. If you don't use the generator, find your own picture. Maybe it's your favorite or one your took. Either way, let's see some detail!
P.S. Because this is my challenge, I'm also adding in the category of music. If you see or read something that makes you want to throw down some jams, feel free to include those as well. I love music, so I'd love to hear what you have to play.
Okay, that's the whole shebang (No Johnny Gargano). Hopefully you'll all join me for the next month. I look forward to seeing what kind of responses we get.
That's it until tomorrow. Until then, get to writing and be awesome to each other.
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