Saturday, November 26, 2011

December Plans

Hey, Readerland.  Back once again, so let's get this started.

So, you probably noticed by my last post that my focus now is on writing.  I think making my goal of sending this particular story to a publisher is a good place for me to be.  I'm working on editing still and my writing group is planning on having two meeting in December instead of one, so that we all can get our stuff ready to send in.

For those that participated in National Novel Writing Month, which I did not do this year, congratulations.  Your month is almost up.  Then comes December, which I think is called National Edit Your NaNoWriMo Story Month or National Throw That Crap in a Drawer Somewhere and Forget About It Month.  Either way, you're almost done!  Don't forget that I'm still leaving open my offer to edit stories and whatnot.  Email me at and let me know what you have and we'll work something out.

So.  The title of this entry is 'December Plans' and I haven't talked about my December plans.  Yeah, I'm funny that way.  Since it's the primary  idea of the entry, I should get to that.  Here goes.

So, I have the story I'm working on for possible publication and I'm sure I'll be helping out a couple of people with editing and whatnot (Mary, I'm looking at you).  But the thing is that writing doesn't stop when editing starts.  Usually, at least with writers that I know, they have multiple stories that they're working on at one time.  I know that's the case with me.  I still have to work on time travel, Jack the Ripper and mind-controlling aliens.  And that's just one story.

Anyway, in order to keep myself writing while I'm trying to focus on getting this steampunk story edited and rewritten, my goal for December is, starting December 1st, to partake in writing exercises (most of them will be from Chuck Wendig's '500 Ways to be a Better Writer' which is hilarious.  I recommend picking it up at Chuck's blog, and I'm going to do this for all 31 days and I'm going to post them here on my blog, which means they'll also go to my Twitter (@WillMyers2) and my Facebook page (  Friend me!  I don't bite!) so you'll have three ways to keep track of what I'm up to.

So, that's my goal.  Doable?  Yes.  Will I make it?  I certainly hope so.  I'ma give it my best shot.

What does this mean for YOU, Readerland?  Well, I am inviting you to join me on this quest.  I'll post my writing exercise (and anything more that comes from one of these exercises), including which exercise I'm doing and where I got it, and what my content is.  All you have to do is post your content, whether it be from the same exercise or some other that you find, in a comment on my blog or a link to your own blog or some way for other people to see your content.  It can be a story, a novel, an article for a journal, song lyrics...whatever.  Just send it in!

That's the deal.  I post my content, you post yours.  I'm going for 31 days and you're welcome to join me.  So, big steps coming up.  Let's enjoy the ride.

That's all I've got for now.  Until next time, thanks for reading and be awesome to each other.

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