Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 1

Hey, Readerland.  The Ogre is back for Day 1 of the Ogre/Chuck Challenge!  Ready to join me?

So, like I said yesterday, today's writing topic is:
#16:  Find a random picture on Flickr. Then write about it.  The Flickr random image generator is here: Flickr Random Image Generator

Here's my picture:

 So, 15 minutes of writing.  Here goes:

            The two police officers crouched over the body of the victim.  He was naked and had been stabbed numerous times.  Nothing out of the ordinary, except the words written on his face.
            when the truth is revealed, we will finally know.

            "We'll know what, Chuck?" Sgt. Paulsen asked.
            “I don’t know, Pauley.” Detective Chuck Bronski replied.  “But look at the way the words are written on his face.  And the triangle.  It’s slightly colored in.”
            “Sounds like whoever it was had all the time in the world,” Paulsen said.
            “Looks like.  The killer took the time to stab the victim…how many times was it?” Bronski asked.
            “Seventeen.  Or so says the examiner.”  Paulsen consulted his notebook.  “Seventeen times, most to the torso, a couple to the lower abdomen.  ME says cause of death was being stabbed in the heart.”
            “Oof,” Bronski said.  “Not a good way to go.  Let’s get Crime Scene in here and make sure they pay special attention to the words on the guy’s face.”
            “Will do, Chuck.” Paulsen said.

            Paulsen walked up to Bronksi’s desk and dropped a file on it.
            “Scene just got back to me,” Paulsen said.  “Looks like the writing was done in white wax pencil and whoever wrote it was left-handed according to handwriting analysis.”
            “So, we’re looking for a left-handed person with access to white wax pencils who had a grudge against our dead guy.”  Bronski leaned back in his chair.  “That should be pretty easy, right?”
            “Not as easy as you think.” Paulsen said.  “Seems like white wax pencils are becoming more popular with teachers in high end schools.  The schools that have those wall sized glass panes that you can write on.  They’ll take dry erase markers or white wax pencils.”
            “How many of these schools are there in the metro area?” Bronksi asked.
            “Three,” Paulsen said.  “But before you go looking for an answer there, our dead man, Scott Thornson, had no connection to any teacher, school administrator or employee that we can find.  Same with employees of the largest manufacturer of those pencils in the state.  We have absolutely nothing tying him to anybody who had the intention of doing him hard, Chuck.”
            “What did Thornson do for a living,” Bronski asked.
            “He was a party planner,” Paulsen answered.  “Taught kids to swim at the Y on weekends.  He was an active member of his church, too.”
            “Pauley, I have a headache already.” Bronski said.  “Do you have any good news to give me?”
            Paulsen looked at his notebook.  “Well, so far nobody else has shown up dead with writing on their face.  Does that count?”
            Bronski laughed.  “I guess it’ll have to do, Pauley.
            Paulsen got up and started to walk away.  “Don’t worry, Chuck.  We’ll find something.  We always do.”
            “I hope so, Pauley.” Bronski replied, thinking of all the cases he hadn’t been able to solve.

So, there you have it.  15 minutes worth of writing on a picture.  I took an extra couple of minutes to reformat the text, since Word and Blogger don't always agree.  Hopefully we'll have some good responses.
Oh, and before I forget.  Thanks to my lovely assistant for picking tomorrow's exercise:
15. Describe the freedom of being pantsless. Preferably written sans pants. For authenticity's sake.

Okay, I have no idea what Chuck Wendig has against pants, but there you go.  Hopefully it'll be above freezing tomorrow.  If not, it's going to be a long fifteen minutes.

Okay, that's today's exercise and I'll see you again tomorrow for Day 2!  Until next time, be awesome to each other.


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