Monday, December 12, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 12

Heya, Readerland!  The Ogre is back again, this time for Day 12!  Time to get this entry started.

So, in case you've forgotten what today's assignment is, it is thus:

23. Don't write for fifteen minutes -- talk for fifteen minutes. Into a recorder (most phones come
with them nowadays). Don't just ramble: endeavor to tell a story. It can be a story you already
know or one you invent on the spot.

So, I'll be up front and say this is probably going to be bad.

Also, instead of uploading an mp3 to this site or anything like that, I'll record myself and then post the file to Mediafire and include the link.  Shall we get started?

I present to you, the audio tale of Marroar Taletreader and friends.

So, there you have it.  15 minutes of me babbling into a microphone.  Apparently that equates to about 21 megabytes, so it should be easy peasy for most people to download.

So, another day down.  19 more days to go.  But what's in store for tomorrow?  My lovely assistant drew:

25. Write about the worst mistake a character has ever made -- the kind of mistake that resonates
throughout that character's life. The kind where the snake can never be put back into the can.
Now re-write it like that mistake is the best thing that ever happened to the character. 

Another repeat.  Last time I wrote about someone turning money into the police.  I'll have to come up with something radically different.

Anyway, that's going to do it for today.  Thank you all for joining me and I'll see you tomorrow.  Until next time, take care and be awesome to each other.


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