Friday, December 30, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 30

Hey, Readerland!  The Ogre, back once again, this time for Day 30.  I have to tell you, I'm a nervous wreck right now.  Seriously.

Being nervous isn't something that happens to me all that often.  Maybe I'm just too awesome to realize when to be nervous or maybe I'm too dumb to care.

Anyway, before I totally freak out, let's get this road on the show!  (Yes, I know that's backwards.  Right now, I don't care.)

Today's exercise is back to the random word generator.  Today I will be generating six words and they are:


Let's get going.

     The director called for silence.  Everyone was nervous, as this was the last rehearsal before the show opened the following night.
     "Okay, everybody." Marcus said.  "I know everyone is keyed up, but we have to get through this last readthrough and then we'll be set for tomorrow night.  I just want to go over a few things before we get started."  He looked down at this notes.  "Okay, let's start with Teresa and Erin.  Girls, when you two are doing your fight scene, I want to see that sweat coming off of you, okay?  You two are sparring with each other to see who wins Jeremiah's affections.  Only the better woman will win.  You understand?"
     The girls nodded.
     "Todd.  When you're speaking, you need to pronounce every consonant clearly."  Marcus found Todd in the ensemble.  "When we were practicing last night, you have a tendency to go soft on some of your consonants.  Every syllable has to be projected.  Got it?"
     "Yes, sir." Todd said.
     "Good, good.  Okay, one more note." Marcus said.  "Mary.  I know you're a little nervous about this, but that t-shirt has to rip off at the end, okay?  I know it's a body thing and that you're not real comfortable with it, but that's one of the things the writer demanded."
     Mary nodded unhappily.  She smiled when Paul, her partner for that number, whispered something in her ear.
     "Okay, good.  Now, let's get to our places, everybody."  Marcus clapped his hands.  "Let's make each other proud."

Well, okay.  Not great, but I blame it on being nervous myself.

So, for tomorrow, the last day of the exercise, I'm going to generate some random words AND I'll generate some random pictures and link them all together in one giant extravaganza of wordage!

So, that's it for today.  Thanks for joining me and until tomorrow, take care and be awesome to each other.


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