Hey, Readerland. The Ogre is back once again with another installment of the Ogre/Chuck Challenge. We are on Day 7, so including today, we have twenty four days left. Thanks for sticking with me.
So, on the editing front, I should be getting more line edits on my steampunk story, but I have notes from the other guy (Hi, Adam!) who is trying to get into this anthology and I'm going to do a major rewrite on my antagonist based on what he suggested. Hopefully I'll get the notes/edits soon, so I can have something to work on once my final exam is over tomorrow. On the positive (?) side, I can tell you the nine essential macronutrients and the eight essential micronutrients of plants AND their function!
That damn well better be on the test tomorrow.
So, let's get started on Day 7. Today's challenge is:
2. Write about a war in which both sides have it wrong.
Now, I'm going to be honest. My first thought when I saw that was 'Is there a war that DOESN'T fit that topic?' Ooo, edgy. Anyway. Usually when a challenge is picked, I immediately start to think about what I'm going to write in my 15 minutes, but since I'm been studying like crazy today, I didn't even remember what today's challenge was until I opened yesterday's blog and re-read it. So, with little to no preparation, let's get started.
(P.S. I'm also attempting to make dinner while doing this.)
"Private Monkey! Report!" Sergeant Schultz yelled.
"Sir! I just got back from meeting with my contact," Monkey said between gulps of water. "and he said that the Ruskies are taking our boys hostage and torturing them!"
Schultz roared. "We can't let them get our military secrets! We have to bomb those Russians back to the Bay of Asimov! We won't let them have Mars without a fight!"
Following the sergeant's order, the twenty third division of the Mars American Military Wing began preparing for war.
"Are you sure?" First Major Pikup Andropov asked the American informant. "They Americans are capturing Russian troops and torturing them for information? How can you be sure, Mr. Jones?"
"First Major," Jones said. "I am a deserter from the American ranks. I signed up to protect Mars, not have the Cold War start all over again! I...I've seen the horror with my own eyes. They used needles and straps and...and electrodes! But your soldiers never gave up, First Major! They were brave! Braver than the men I worked for. I never wanted this to happen."
"I see." Andropov said. "And what exactly do you want in return for providing this information to me?"
"Nothing, First Major." Jones said. "All I ask is that I be given a suit and enough oxygen to get out of here before you and the Americans go to war. I want nothing to do with war, First Major."
"Very well." Andropov said. He turned to his right hand man, Second Major Anatoli Smirnoff. "Second Major, get this man outfitted for a trip across the wastes. Give him a suit, oxygen, food and water for...a week?" Andropov asked, looking at Jones.
"That would be welcome, First Major!" Jones said. "Thank you very much!" Jones stood up and followed Second Major Smirnoff our of the room.
"First Colonel Borscht!" Andropov yelled.
"Yes, First Major!" Borscht said, saluting.
"Go to the men. Tell them that war has come to us and we will not back down from those American pig dogs!" Andropov yelled. "We will arm our most powerful weapons and blow them back to Earth!"
"Thank you again, Second Major Smirnoff." Jones said.
"You are welcome, Comrade Jones. And thank you for this information. It will give us the impetus to push the Americans off of Mars!" Smirnoff said.
Jones walked away from the Second Major and after several turns through the plasticrete tunnels of the Russian Embassy, met up with his brother Arfner.
"Is it done, Glarfin?" Arfner asked.
"It is, Arfner." Jones/Glarfin replied as he stripped off his costume to reveal himself as an orange Martian like his brother. "The Americans and Russians have the same information about the other side and soon they will use their most powerful weapons against each other."
"Good." Arfner said. "Hopefully soon they'll blow each other up and Mars can be only for the Martians again."
Well, there you have it. A war where both sides have it wrong. I apologize for the goofy names. They just popped into my head.
Anyway, that's going to do it for Day 7. Now, because there are 25 writing exercises and 31 days in December, we're have to have repeats, but I won't repeat the same thing twice in a row. So, bearing that in mind, Day 8's challenge is:
16. Find a random picture on Flickr. Then write about it. (Click here for a random Flickr image generator.)
So, Day 8 is the same as Day 1. Find a picture and write about. Now remember, since the rules are a little lax around here (as in, I tend to hate rules), if you want to find a random picture somewhere else or even use a picture that you have, that's fine too. I don't count off for creativity. Oh, wait. That's the whole point of the exercise. Go nuts!
So, that's going to do it for Day 7. Thanks for joining me and remember to leave your own content if you'd like! You can do that in the comment section. I'll see you tomorrow. Until then, take care and be awesome to each other.
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