Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Ogre/Chuck Challenge, Day 6

Hey, Readerland.  The Ogre/Chuck Express has pulled into the station long enough to drop some more content.

Today is Day 6 of the Ogre/Chuck Challenge and today's entry should be interesting.  For those that don't remember what today's exercise is:
24. Create tension by writing a scene where a character you adore does something you hate.

The way that I am interpreting this is that I'm going to use an existing character and write them in an odd situation.

     Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering stopped and tried to catch their breath as the man who possessed Sir Edmund Hilary's Ice Axe, which let you climb anything, scaled up a brick wall at the end of an alley and out of sight.
      "Pete!"  Myka yelled.  "See if you can climb the wall and I'll try to find another way around it!"
      "You know what, Myka?" Pete asked.  "No.  I'm done."
     "What do you mean you're 'done,' Pete?" Myka asked.
     "Myka, we've been after this guy for two weeks straight.  We've been Warehouse 13 agents for three years."  Pete stood up straight.  "I'm tired, Myka.  I'm tired of the running and the chasing and all the weird artifacts.  I'm tired of Artie always yelling at me and I'm tired of you always have to be right."  Pete reached into his pocket and pulled out the Farnsworth as Myka looked between him and the brick wall.
     "Hey, you two." Artie said over the Farnsworth.  "Did you catch him?"
     "Artie, I quit." Pete said.
     "What?  Quit?"  Artie pushed his glasses up his nose.  "Pete, this is no time for jokes."
     "No joke, Artie." Pete said.  "I've had enough of having my brain messed with and being electrocuted and switching bodies with people.  I've had enough of it all, Artie."
     "Pete," Artie said quietly.  "You know the rules."
     "Once an agent, always an agent!" Pete yelled.  "I know the rules and I also know how often we ignore those rules when it suits us, Artie!  Right now, it suits me to quit this job and go find a farm in Montana or Canada or something and never have to deal with artifacts again."
     "Pete, you don't mean that." Myka said.  "Think of all the people we've helped!  All the people we've saved!
     "You're right, Myka," Pete said. "but at what cost?  Neither of us can ever have a normal life knowing what we know."  Pete put his hand up.  "I know what you're going to say.  'If we can't have a normal life, then we should keep doing what we're trained for and what we're good at.'  But I'm not good at this anymore, Myka.  This guy that we've been chasing?  Back when we started, we've have caught him in a couple of days max.  Now here we are in a dirty alley, in a city I can't remember the name of, chasing a guy we've been after for three weeks.  I...I can't keep this up, Myka.  Other than being in the hospital, I've had no time off.  Especially after you left."
     Myka looked down at the ground, embarrassment flooding her face.
     "So, what?" Artie asked.  "You want a week off?  Fine.  You've got it."
     "No, Artie." Pete said.  "It's not that.  Because when the vacation's over, I've got to come back to...well, this," he said, waving his arm at the alley.  "I'm done.  I've got nothing left in the tank."
     "If that's the way you truly feel." Artie said.
     "It is." Pete said.
     "Then you are hereby relieved of duty, I guess." Artie said.  "Agent Bering will take the Farnsworth and the Tesla.  Thank you for your service, Agent Lattimer."
     Without a word, Pete closed the Farnsworth and handed it and the Tesla to Myka.  He wanted to say something, but there were no words.  Myka's tears said enough.  Their hands touched for just a moment.
     "I'm sorry, Myka.  I really am."  With that, Pete turned and walked out of the alley, leaving Myka all alone.

Well.  That took longer than it should have.  It took me a while to figure out which character I wanted to use.  If you've ever watched Warehouse 13, you know Pete is not the kind of guy to give up.  He's the upbeat, cheerful one who always tries to find a way.  It actually hurt me to write this.  Whew.  Tough one, but a good one.

Remember, if you want to join in the fun, it's easy.  Just look at the previous blog and find the exercise and then post your content as a comment or if you have your own blog or website, you can leave links of those as comments, too.  If you write it up as a Word (or some other word processing document), you can either attach that or email it to me at SkredlitheOgre@gmail.com.

Another day is done and the Ogre/Chuck Express is leaving the station.  Tune back in tomorrow.  'Wait!' I hear you saying.  'What's tomorrow's exercise?!?!?!?!?!'  Good question.  My lovely assistant has drawn:

2. Write about a war in which both sides have it wrong.

Well.  That will be interesting.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today, so I'll see you all tomorrow.  Until then, take care and be awesome to each other.


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